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Run the app

Submitted by Erik Wegner on

Now it is time for the application to access the SharePoint server. You can find all files within the repository on GitHub:

The source code of the app

var http = require('http');
var jws = require('jws')
var fs = require('fs');

var options = {
	key: fs.readFileSync('../server.key'),
	cert: fs.readFileSync('../server.crt')

function base64urlEscape(str) {
	return str.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=/g, '');
function base64urlEncode(str) {
	return new Buffer(str).toString('base64');

var sharepointhostname = process.argv[2]
var clientid = "927e7578-6a96-4120-be36-495a5bbb989b"
var realm = "5df7ebc5-9401-43fe-93e2-86a07f62c2b2" // equals to SharePoint Farm ID
var issuerid = '2a80398d-800e-44b1-ac67-e34b1207114f' + "@" + realm
var audience = '00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/' + sharepointhostname + '@' + realm
var x5t = "+NgPPAV6+Nm+sqGz/WHYxq1Mp8E" // do not include any "=" at the end
var nameid = "s-1-5-21-1482654976-146172710-446466059-3816" // SID of the acting user
var nii = "urn:office:idp:activedirectory"

var dateref = parseInt((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)
var rs256 = '{"typ":"JWT","alg":"RS256","x5t":"' + x5t + '"}'

var actortoken = {
	aud: audience,
	iss: issuerid,
	nameid : clientid + '@' + realm,
	nbf: (dateref - 21600).toString(),
	exp: (dateref + 21600).toString(),
	trustedfordelegation: true

var payload = {
	aud: audience,
	iss: clientid + '@' + realm,
	nbf: (dateref - 21600).toString(),
	exp: (dateref + 21600).toString(),
	nameid: nameid,
	nii: nii,
	actortoken: jws.sign(
			header: JSON.parse(rs256),
			payload: JSON.stringify(actortoken),
			privateKey : options.key

var authtoken = base64urlEncode(JSON.stringify({"typ":"JWT", "alg":"none"})) + '.' + base64urlEncode(JSON.stringify(payload)) + '.';
authtoken = authtoken.replace(/=/g, '') // my SharePoint does not accept base64 padding

var headers = {
	'Accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose',
	'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + authtoken
var options = {
	host: sharepointhostname,
	port: 80,
	path: "/sites/hightrustdemo/" + '_api/web/lists',
	method: 'GET',
	headers: headers,
	agent: false,
	ciphers: 'RC4',
	secureOptions: require ('constants').SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
var listreq = http.get(options, function(listres) {
	var listdata = "";
	listres.on('data', function(data) {
		listdata += data;
	listres.on('end', function() {
		/* console.log("Response headers");
		console.log("Request headers");
		console.log("Req fin\n\n");*/
		listdata = JSON.parse(listdata);
		var lists = [];
		if (listdata.d && listdata.d.results) {
			for (var ri in listdata.d.results) {
				var list = listdata.d.results[ri];
}).on('error', function(e) {
	console.log("Error " + e.message);

To run the script, please modify these points:

  1. Line 6: path to the private part of the certificate
  2. Line 18: the App Id
  3. Line 19: The SharePoint farm id
  4. Line 20: The issuer id from the PowerShell script (RegisterCertificate.ps1)
  5. Line 22: The x5t-code for the generated certificate
  6. Line 23: The SID of the acting user
  7. Line 63: The path to the site collection

The first command will install the required node packages. The second command runs the script, use your SharePoint hostname as the third parameter:

npm install
npm index.js sharepointserver

Command line execution

Result: A list of lists

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