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Submitted by Erik Wegner on


Folgende Einstellungen sind in der ~/.muttrc hilfreich beim Zugriff auf einen IMAP-E-Mailspeicher auf dem Rechner "hawking.hw":

#Basis für Verwendung des "+"-Zeichens als Erweiterung (Reihenfolge ist wichtig!)
set folder = "{hawking.hw/ssl}"
set spoolfile = +INBOX
#Ordner für gesendete Mails
set record = +INBOX.Sent
#Ordner für Entwürfe
set postponed = +INBOX.Drafts

##Optionen für IMAP-Server
#IMAP Benutzername
set imap_user = "e-man"
#IMAP Keep-Alive-Anfrage nach 30 Sekunden senden, um Verbindung offen zu halten
set imap_keepalive=30
#alle abonnierten Ordner nach neuen Nachrichten durchsuchen
set imap_check_subscribed
# Reduce polling frequency to a sane level
set mail_check=60
# And poll the current mailbox more often (not needed with IDLE in post 1.5.11)
set timeout=10
# keep a cache of headers for faster loading (1.5.9+?)
set header_cache=~/.hcache
# Display download progress every 5K
set net_inc=5

Verschieben/Speichern von E-Mails

"move" as we know it from other places is "save" in mutt.
"save" as we know it from other places is "copy" in mutt.

AktionBezeichnung muttTastenkombination
It may have historic ("elm", or even stupid) reasons, but it can make sense if you accept that "normally" each msg should exist only once per user (as opposed to regular data files of which you can keep multiple duplicates without conflict). Mutt's "save" (which is "copy" + "mark deleted") then "moves" the single item from one folder to another (because it's "safer"? ;-). To duplicate a msg (which rarely should be needed) mutt "copies" it, which some call "save". It's just a different concept, but it can make sense.