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I am Erik Wegner

I am a developer located in Germany. I currently work as a Product Owner, software architect and technical lead. I am looking to learn and evaluate new technologies each day. My main focus is on web technologies, microservices and containerization.

Mainly I build distributed web applications. I am strongly interested in security of IT systems. I like to read science fiction.

Phone 0151 - 22880576


Address Goetheweg 14a, 06406 Bernburg


Person working creatively at a computer in the office


Persönliches, Spannendes, Fundstücke, Aufreger, Neues: all das findet Platz im Bereich »Blog«.

Rust vs Go in 2023

Submitted by Erik Wegner on
A longer article about how to choose between Rust and Go by John Arundel


Gesammelte Erkenntnisse, die regelmäßig benötigt werden, sind im Bereich »Tipps« verfügbar.

Keycloak Passkeys

Submitted by Erik Wegner on
This page shows the configuration of a Keycloak to support multi factor authentication with TOTP, WebAuthn and Passkeys.

OpenAPI generator

Submitted by Erik Wegner on
Generate model classes (or wathever your language names this construct) from an OpenAPI description without installing software (docker required).


Programmierung ist Profession, Hobby und Leidenschaft. Im Bereich »Software« sind die größeren Projekte abrufbar.


Ridser is the Rust Identity Service. This project connects the users' login sessions with backend web services.


SharePoint Online Login for Drupal, Single-Sign-On for provider hosted SharePoint apps


A Firefox Add-On to have your Icinga / Nagios monitoring system in your browser.